Delegates Wilson and Wilkins Highlight MML’s Inaugural Symposium; Deep Dive on Cannabis Legalization

(August 11, 2023) Annapolis, Md. The Maryland Municipal League (MML), which represents 157 cities and towns, two special taxing districts in Maryland, launched its inaugural Symposium Thursday, August 10. The first in a series of deep dives into emerging municipal issues, yesterday’s speakers tackled the recent legalization of cannabis.  

Delegate CT Wilson, House Economic Matters Chair and architect of the legislation, was the morning keynote. Before a packed house of 136 municipal officials and staff from over 60 different jurisdictions, Wilson set the stage: “You hippies voted for it, so we legalized cannabis.”  

 It was a friendly reminder for everyone that legalization came via a ballot initiative and that the State is only moving forward. The Chairman also stressed that feedback was still necessary, and that the General Assembly will be taking an omnibus approach to legislative tweaks.  

 Panels featuring municipal attorneys, administrators, and consultants covered how to navigate challenges surrounding local land use policies and cannabis in the workplace throughout the day 

 Industry leaders also had the opportunity to share the economic benefits of welcoming a dispensary, processor, or grower into their community, citing the number of jobs created, competitive wages, and restoration of otherwise vacant properties in addition to any revenues collected from the sales and use tax.  

Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins, Chair of the largest Legislative Black Caucus in the nation and Vice-Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee was joined by Laurel Councilmember Martin Mitchell and MML CEO Theresa Kuhns to talk about the social equity components of the bill. Wilkins shared that the equity piece of the puzzle was intentional and needs collaboration between state and locals.  

When asked about how municipalities can help, Vice-Chair Wilkins highlighted the Cannabis Business Assistance Fund, which was created in the law to provide grants and loans for small businesses, including small, minority-owned and small women-owned businesses entering the adult-use cannabis industry, and encouraged officials to share such opportunities with their community. 

 League members were also treated to administrative and regulatory updates from Will Tilburg, Acting Director at the Maryland Cannabis Administration as well as revenue updates from Rachel Sessa, Deputy Comptroller. 

Theresa Kuhns summarized the event: “Local government is closest to the people, and there is a great responsibility involved with directly representing 2 million Marylanders. This symposium was more than education for local elected leaders and staff, it was about connecting and building intentional progress for future generations of Marylanders.” 


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About The Maryland Municipal League 

Located at the Phipps Municipal Center in the state capital of Annapolis, The Maryland Municipal League (MML) was founded in 1936 and represents 157 municipal governments and two special taxing districts throughout the state of Maryland. A voluntary, non-profit, nonpartisan association controlled and maintained by city and town governments, MML works to strengthen and support municipal government through advocacy and the development of effective leadership. Through its membership in the National League of Cities MML offers legislative representation in Washington, urban research programs, and a national municipal government information exchange. MML is the only statewide organization in Maryland composed solely of municipal officials and devoted to the promotion of all branches of municipal administration. 

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