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Hearing on Administration's Housing Bill Coming Soon

The Moore Administration's 2025 housing bill, the Housing for Jobs Act (SB 430/HB 503), will be heard by both chambers on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. This measure aims to address regional housing infrastructure gaps. Key points include:

  • Mandates Housing Infrastructure Analysis: The Departments of Housing and Community Development and Planning must annually calculate and publish housing infrastructure gaps for designated regions
  • Apportionment of Housing Gaps: Regional housing deficits will be divided among counties and incorporated municipalities based on their share of regional jobs
  • Incentives for Housing Development: Local jurisdictions can reduce their assigned housing gap by approving new housing, particularly near rail stations and for affordable housing
  • Limits on Housing Denials: Local jurisdictions must justify rejections of housing projects with clear and convincing evidence, citing specific adverse impacts or zoning restrictions
  • Legal Enforcement: Developers may challenge denials in court, and courts can mandate approval if a jurisdiction is found to have improperly rejected a project
  • Implementation Timeline: The law would take effect on January 1, 2026

MML's position is Support with Amendments, and will be testifying in person. If you would like to participate - either in person, virtually, or through written testimony - or you have suggestions for amendments, please contact Angelica Bailey Thupari ([email protected]). The deadline to submit testimony is this Friday, February 28 by 6 p.m

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Delegate Ryan Spiegel Presents MML Priority Food & Beverage Legislation in House

On Monday, Delegate Ryan Spiegel presented MML's priority legislation on local food and beverage authority to the House Ways & Means Committee. Delegate Spiegel, a past MML President, is the sponsor of HB 997, which would enable local jurisdictions to charge up to a 3% fee on food and beverages sold for on-site consumption. 

In his testimony, Delegate Spiegel highlighted the fact that local governments have limited revenue tools and are already too reliant on property taxes. He also noted Maryland receives more than 43.5 million visitors each year who use local government services but whose spending doesn't support those same services. That burden falls almost exclusively on Maryland homeowners.

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MML Speed Camera Priority Bill Voted Favorable in Senate Committee

MML's priority legislation SB 390, which would allow trained technicians to review speed camera images and sign the citations, passed out of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Friday by a vote of 7-1. The next steps are for the bill to move through procedural votes on the Senate floor, expected to be this week. Meanwhile, the House cross-file bill, HB 343, is scheduled for its hearing in the House Environment and Transportation Committee on Friday, February 21 at 1:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Bill Jorch.


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MML Staff Testifies on Critical Election Support Legislation

Last week, MML staff testified in the Maryland Senate and House on legislation (SB 88 / HB 322) to ensure the State Board of Elections (SBE) can continue to support municipal elections using a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

This legislation is the result of conversations that took place over the fall after SBE shared a memo with county Local Boards of Elections (LBEs) that ordered them to stop supporting municipal elections beyond providing voter rolls:

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MML Priority Bills Heard in Senate Last Week - Press Release

MML Priority Bills Heard in Senate Last Week; Both Seek New Authority  

(February 3, 2024) Annapolis, MD. – The Maryland Municipal League (MML), representing 160 local governments, testified in favor of two new local authorities last week. On Wednesday, local government leaders joined Senator Cory McCray in support of SB 324, which would enable local jurisdictions to adopt a local food and beverage fee. Later in the week, MML leadership and municipal police representatives joined Senator Will Smith in support of SB 390, which if passed, will allow non-officer staff to certify speed camera violations with appropriate training.

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MML 2025 Bill Positions and Priorities Are Now Live

Stay informed and engaged.

The MML Bill Positions webpage has been updated for the 2025 legislative session. It contains up-to-date information on MML's key legislation that impacts our municipalities. You'll find bill text, information, status updates, and our organizations positions throughout session there.

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MML Priority Bill Hearing January 29 - Action Alert

MML’s priority legislation giving local jurisdictions the authority to levy a food and beverage feeSB 324, has a hearing next week, January 29.

This bill would authorize municipalities and counties to charge up to 3% on on-site food and beverage purchases. 

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Speed Camera Priority - We Have Bill Numbers

One of MML's legislative priorities in 2025 is to allow trained civilians to review speed camera images and issue citations. While this bill was introduced last year, it has two new sponsors this year; Delegate Vaughn Stewart, who is the chair of the Motor Vehicle Subcommittee, and Senator Will Smith, who is the chair of the Judicial Proceedings Committee. Recently, they formally introduced the bills, HB 343 and SB 390. In addition to these two great sponsors, Governor Moore publicly announced his support of the legislation at the MML Legislative Reception on January 8.

Next steps are the public hearings which have not yet been scheduled. For more information please contact Bill Jorch, [email protected].

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